domingo, 5 de outubro de 2008

Mr. excuse

-im tired of dancing.
-so do i. my legs are shaky!

-let's go up there!
-at the balcony?
-why not? people wont see us and we could watch them more clearly!

-good point.

-god! isnt it funny?
-they can't see us.
-so stupid!

-Look! there are footprints all over the ballroom!
-we gotta clean it fast.

-hey janitor. Clean it up.
-yes.Hope yu still know the quote though
-"clean your own mess. For a life of no regrets"

-whatever it is. does not mean much to me.
-i wanna go home!

* Nowadays God is an excuse for our ego.

Um comentário:

NeoBR88 disse...

cara, mutio profundo
podia ser musicada

parabens irmaum

continue assim