sábado, 6 de setembro de 2008

Inevitable seizure

I knew there was an army.
With unbreakable armor
Undestructible army

Shields in position
Two for the head
One for the heart

Hang the sword up high
when they come near
Dont you hesitate
old fashioned fear

Same old strategy
trying to pass through the barrier
Hugging me with tears
Measuring it's deep

Clashing to take me down
Expecting me to go nuts
but they dont know
the shield is my shelter
Only shelter i can't touch

Soon or later, home
Soon or later they are gone
No smiles in their faces
Thieves of bones...

Sun in coming up
Time to hide
but im already exposed
Sunshine enlighten my face
then, im overdosed

Im losing control
The seizure again
Finding out the limits
I promissed once
"Forever to stand"

4 comentários:

NeoBR88 disse...
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NeoBR88 disse...
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NeoBR88 disse...


vc escreve demais

continue assim bruxo

abraço do seu irmão


Unknown disse...

gostei daqui ó. preciso aprender a usar! AAHAHAHAA